Thursday, 24 October 2013

Update 24th Oct 2013

Not much new this time. Kiki and Amiri are still visiting together, and there's no sign that Amiri is in imminent danger of being chased away, although he sometimes sleeps alone in Box 7.

Amiri (left) and Kiki (right) 22nd Oct 2013

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Update 13th Oct 2013

I'll start with another cute photo of Amiri. It might seem that Amiri is appearing on the front page an unfair number of times, but he's going to have to leave the area in not too many more months, so I'd like to get in as many photos as I can while he's still here.

Amiri 4th Oct 2013

Kiki and Amiri are still regular visitors...