Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Update 31st Mar 2015

Kiki, Toto and Comet are all visiting regularly and in good health.

Toto - 27th Mar 2015

Toto is a typical independent and adventurous baby brushtail. He [I'm assuming Toto is male, although there's no definite proof yet] frequently visits by himself, and even when very young, would run off into a distant tree when he scored a particularly juicy morsel of food.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Introducing Toto

Kiki's latest baby (her 12th) is now out of the pouch. He or she (the gender is still unclear although the little one looks more like a boy) has been named Toto.

Toto on Kiki's back - 8th March 2015

Unfortunately, Kiki didn't visit Box 7 when Toto was in the pouch, so we didn't get to see the little one come out to play, like we did with Kiki's previous several babies.