Friday, 25 August 2017

Update 25th Aug 2017 - Raffi Comes for a Visit

Raffi, Sasha's previous baby who left home abruptly at an early age, made a brief visit recently.

Raffi - 15th Aug 2017

Raffi had not been seen for two months prior to this. The most dangerous time in a possum's life is (supposedly) when it leaves home for the first time, and Raffi left home earlier than most, so it is very encouraging that he has not only survived, but appears to be happy and healthy and with no visible injuries.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Update 7th Aug 2017 - Introducing Arrow

Sasha brought her new baby to the house for the first time tonight.

Arrow back-riding on Sasha - 7th Aug 2017

The baby had been named Arrow.