Sunday 4 August 2024

Update 4th August 2024 - Introducing Grok and Mr Rogers

Wink's latest baby has been seen back-riding and has been named Grok. Grok is a male possum.

Grok riding on Wink's back - 3rd Aug 2024

After an awkward visit when he was hanging on underneath Wink with his head in her pouch, he soon mastered the art of back-riding.

Grok riding on Wink's back - 3rd Aug 2024

Grok riding on Wink's back - 3rd Aug 2024

Here are some photos of Wink unencumbered by a baby.

Wink - 17th June 2024 [Photo by Xesce]

Wink - 20th June 2024 [Photo by Xesce]

While Wink was visiting with Grok, a male ringtail also came over for a visit. This is the first ringtail who has visited the humans in a very long time. He was offered some apple but wasn't interested in it and soon went on his way.

His calm attitude around humans reminds me of Wasabi, and it's not impossible they may be related. Wasabi also had a bad eye, only Wasabi's bad eye was the right one.

We have named him Mr Rogers.

Mr Rogers - 3rd Aug 2024

Lumen was last seen mid-July. He remained in the area a lot longer than most young males, and possibly this was because his mother Wink delayed a year before having her next baby, rather than 6 months as previously. It's possible that as soon as Grok was getting ready to back-ride, Wink gave Lumen the message that he had to find his own place now.

Lumen has grown into a big, healthy possum and has been smart enough to avoid any noticeable plucking or other injuries. I wish him well in his travels.

Lumen - 16th June 2024 [Photo by Xesce]

Lumen - 17th June 2024 [Photo by Xesce]

Lumen - 22nd June 2024 [Photo by Xesce]

Lumen - 6th July 2024

Lumen - 6th July 2024

Blossom is still visiting and sleeps in Box 8 most days. It's not clear whether she has a baby in the pouch, but if so it's a very young one.

Blossom - 10th May 2024

Blossom - 10th May 2024

Blossom - 17th June 2024 [Photo by Xesce]

Blossom - 6th July 2024

Vincent is still around and sleeps in one or other of the boxes most days. In June, he got scratched in the face, but fortunately this healed without incident and his fur is rapidly growing back.

Vincent - 18th June 2024 [Photo by Xesce]

Vincent - 9th July 2024

Vincent - 10th July 2024

The weather has been cold (by Brisbane standards) and there have been no water dragons about. The two brush turkeys - Merlin and Tabitha - are seen most days. Recently, Merlin has been raking leaves onto his mound in preparation for the next season.


  1. Really enjoyed your update on your possums. Just curious, were you aware previously before I alerted you re Baby Possum Alert, that Wink had a new baby in the pouch? eg the Pouch was larger than usual? Thanks again for the update.

    1. Thank you.

      I had noticed Wink's baby on the 26th when she was in box 7. So I had seen the baby before I got your alert, but only just.

      I had missed seeing the baby in box 3 the previous day because box 3 camera is so bad I don't spend much time watching it. Wink's pouch had been looking fairly plump, but I didn't think the baby would be coming out quite yet, especially because it's been fairly cold, so I had only been giving the cameras a cursory glance.

      Definitely post comments if you see anything unusual. I don't always check the cameras and sometimes I will miss things.
