Saturday 27 July 2024

Baby Possum Alert

For the first time this year, there is a Baby Possum Alert.

Wink, the dominant female, has a new baby (her 6th) who has just started emerging from the pouch.

Wink with baby in Box 7 - 26th July 2024

Wink has been using boxes 3 or 7, but your best chance of getting a good look at the baby is when she's in Box 7 because the camera in Box 3 is in poor condition after being attacked by a kookaburra last year (I will have to post the footage of this some time).

If you see a possum without a baby in either of these boxes, don't worry; it's probably Vincent who also uses these boxes.

Also, I promise I'll put up a full Possum Update entry some time soon. :)