Saturday 19 October 2024

Update 19th October 2024 - Introducing Sprout

Blossom's new baby (her 3rd) has been named Sprout. I am not sure, but I think Sprout is female.

Sprout - 11th Oct 2024

Sprout is now back-riding.

Sprout riding on Blossom's back - 14th Oct 2024

Sprout riding on Blossom's back - 17th Oct 2024

Sprout riding on Blossom's back - 17th Oct 2024

Meanwhile, Grok is now starting to become independent from Wink. He has slept on his own in Box 7 twice, and he and Wink now usually visit separately.

Grok (left) and Wink (right) - 11th Oct 2024

It seems that Grok was not traumatised by his first encounter with Laslo, where he was attacked and fell out of the tree. Recently he was seen giving cheek to Laslo. Laslo and Grok were peacefully eating food in a tree, Grok finished first and then advanced down the tree towards Laslo probably with the aim of taking food off him. Both ended up taking a few swipes at each other's faces before Grok was chased off a short way. Later Grok came back and Laslo ran off.

Grok (top) giving cheek to Laslo (bottom) - 11th Oct 2024

Laslo is much bigger than Grok (more so than it looks in the photo) and could easily beat him up, but wasn't interested this time.

Laslo hasn't visited for a while, and I'm beginning to wonder whether the possum using Box 3 is really Laslo. The camera in Box 3 is so bad that it's not possible to be certain. 

Laslo - 9th Oct 2024

It looks like the brush turkeys are breeding. In this photo, Saskia appears to be laying eggs in Merlin's mound, with Merlin supervising.

Merlin (left) and Saskia (right) - 12th Oct 2024


  1. It's nice to meet Blossom, she's very cute! Is it common for the younger possum to stay in the current home to sleep without their mother as they get more independent? I would've thought Wink would stay and Grok would find a different spot to sleep, rather than Grok sleeping on his own

  2. Sprout is very, very cute and very, very active with mum on my!

    Are there any plans to fix Box 3 and Box 6's cameras in the future?
